Baby snake pillow for Martin
- Written by Aada Design
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Martin is almost three years old cute little boy. Lively and moving all the time. Considering his nature his bed time starts also not so calm and this is why his mother wanted to have snake pillow in his bed. This way Martin would not hit to the sides of the bed when he is still moving.
Martin’s room is very stylish, like her whole home. The colors of the room are broken blue and gray, and a just little bit orange and yellow. The main theme in Martins room is stars. We can find the stars on both walls and the bed linen and even the lamp is a tiny star!
The snake pillow needed to fit exactly into this room. Before looking the fabrics, we went to Martin’s room to look around and take pictures so that the fabrics would match to the room. We are all happy with the result! The snake of star-fabrics fits perfectly with the room colors, and yellow and orange are adding a little sparkle to the snake.
We can make the snake pillow for your baby or a kid too! Write us here: contact us.
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